Wednesday 5 November 2014

Getting the Orders

For somebody who is normally fairly organised, I seem to be running round in circles.  As the business is so new, I find that I still haven't developed a regular routine with my work duties, everything seems to be chaotic at the moment.  Between running around setting up bank accounts, keeping appointments, ordering more stock, taking in and designing orders and trying to generate more customers, I find I need to get some form of structure in place.  I've discovered that I need to write everything down until I have a proper computer system in place.
The first sample I sent out, I never noted colours and size of ribbons delivered, so it was proving to be a bit of a struggle trying to recall the sizes, when the order came through. Another order was for  the colour ribbon, which I had used with my logo on the business card and not on their samples at all!  Lesson gained, so now I log all these details, until I can be sure I've covered everything.
Business card with the Purple Ribbon

My Twitter account is proving quite successful with plenty of retweets and favourites, so this is positive feedback for me.   Facebook page is gathering friends but is a slow mover, I find that this is not geared towards businesses anymore, unless you are prepared to pay.  I have over 200 likes now, but am very much aware that if people don't interact with your page it disappears from their feed. The website is linked to Pinterest so pictures can be tagged and lead back to the website, so all is going well so far. I need to get the website up onto more of these affiliated sites. The Google plus page is a bit strange, I need to work on that account.

The bank have given me a loan to replenish stock and have given me a showcase day in their branch next Thursday.  They've suddenly got overly generous!  So everything seems to be running to plan, I just need lots of orders to generate an income now.

I'm fairly focused on getting printed ribbon orders from shops that make hampers for the Christmas period, so I've been dropping in samples and flyers.  These are worth more to me as they would generally be in the wider ribbon.

Here's a lovely little business mantra that kind of says it all for me, that's what Ribbon Print is all about.

This You Tube video I came across offers a great lesson in Bow tying, I never realized there was such an art to making them and so many different types.  Double Bows, flat bows, flower bows the list goes on. 



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